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Ultima descărcare din IBN: 2024-03-13 18:01 |
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338.1(477) (2) |
Economic situation. Trade cycle. Development of economic structure. Growth (290) |
SM ISO690:2012 SHOVKUN, Inna. Structural change and economic growth in Ukraine. In: Economy and Sociology, 2021, nr. 2, pp. 58-69. ISSN 2587-4187. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Economy and Sociology | |||||||||
Numărul 2 / 2021 / ISSN 2587-4187 /ISSNe 2587-4195 | |||||||||
DOI: | |||||||||
CZU: 338.1(477) | |||||||||
JEL: С2; C5; F6; J24; L5; L6; O2; O3; O4 | |||||||||
Pag. 58-69 | |||||||||
Descarcă PDF | |||||||||
Rezumat | |||||||||
Deep structural shifts have been the leading feature of the modern world. The study considers the parameters and causes of structural change in the Ukrainian economy, as well as the relationship between structural change on the one hand, and labor productivity and economic growth on the other. The study shows that the accelerated reduction of the industrial sector, its technological simplification and narrowing the variety of industries were the key features of the structural changes model that occurred in Ukraine's economy after the global financial crisis. This was accompanied by increased dominance of the tertiary sector and the growth of the primary sector. Such a trend of structural shifts is not able to generate the necessary boost of economic growth. Comparison of parameters and trends of structural changes in Ukraine’s economy and in a comparable group of countries and the world as a whole shows that the changes in the structure of Ukraine’s economy were more intensive, but did not create sufficient potential for sustainable economic growth. The author analyzes the gaps in labor productivity between economic activities and sectors of Ukraine’s economy, as well as changes in their dynamics, which leads to the conclusions about the relationship between the rates of technological development of different sectors of Ukraine’s economy and the gradual slowdown of the already imperfect technological development of this country’s industry. Using the apparatus of econometric modeling, the author evaluates the dependence of the dynamics of GDP growth on the change of the indices of GVA in the sectors of this country’s economy. |
Cuvinte-cheie structural changes, index of structural changes, labor productivity, economic growth, industrial sector, technological development, schimbări structurale, indicele schimbărilor structurale, productivitatea muncii, creştere economică, sector industrial, dezvoltare tehnologică, структурные сдвиги, индекс структурных изменений, производительность труда, экономический рост, индустриальный сектор, технологическое развитие |
Dublin Core Export
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc='' xmlns:oai_dc='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <dc:creator>Şhovkun, I.</dc:creator> <dc:date>2021-12-29</dc:date> <dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>Deep structural shifts have been the leading feature of the modern world. The study considers the parameters and causes of structural change in the Ukrainian economy, as well as the relationship between structural change on the one hand, and labor productivity and economic growth on the other. The study shows that the accelerated reduction of the industrial sector, its technological simplification and narrowing the variety of industries were the key features of the structural changes model that occurred in Ukraine's economy after the global financial crisis. This was accompanied by increased dominance of the tertiary sector and the growth of the primary sector. Such a trend of structural shifts is not able to generate the necessary boost of economic growth. Comparison of parameters and trends of structural changes in Ukraine’s economy and in a comparable group of countries and the world as a whole shows that the changes in the structure of Ukraine’s economy were more intensive, but did not create sufficient potential for sustainable economic growth. The author analyzes the gaps in labor productivity between economic activities and sectors of Ukraine’s economy, as well as changes in their dynamics, which leads to the conclusions about the relationship between the rates of technological development of different sectors of Ukraine’s economy and the gradual slowdown of the already imperfect technological development of this country’s industry. Using the apparatus of econometric modeling, the author evaluates the dependence of the dynamics of GDP growth on the change of the indices of GVA in the sectors of this country’s economy.</p></dc:description> <dc:description xml:lang='ro'><p>Schimbările structurale profunde au devenit principala caracteristică a economiei mondiale moderne. Acest studiu examinează parametrii și cauzele schimbărilor structurale în economia Ucrainei, precum și relația dintre schimbările structurale, productivitatea muncii și creșterea economică. Studiul a arătat că trăsăturile cheie ale modelului de schimbări structurale care au avut loc în economia Ucrainei, după criza financiară globală, țin de reducerea accelerată a ponderii sectorului industrial, simplificarea tehnologică a acestuia și restrângerea varietății de tipuri de producție. Aceasta a fost însoțită de o creștere a dominației sectorului terțiar și de creștere a sectorului primar. O astfel de traiectorie a schimbărilor structurale nu poate să genereze o accelerare necesară a creșterii economice. Compararea parametrilor și tendințelor schimbărilor structurale în economia Ucrainei cu un grup comparabil de țări și cu întreaga lume a arătat că schimbările în structura economiei naționale au fost mai intense, dar nu au condus la crearea unui potențial de creștere economică durabilă. Au fost analizate decalajele în productivitatea muncii între tipurile de activitate economică și sectoare ale economiei, precum și schimbările în dinamica ale acestora, ceea ce a dat temei pentru concluzii despre raportul dintre ritmul de dezvoltare tehnologică a sectoarelor economiei și încetinirea treptată în dezvoltarea tehnologică a industriei naționale. Cu ajutorul aparatului de modelare econometrică se estimează parametrii dependenței dinamicii creșterii PIB de modificările indicilor VAB ai sectoarelor economiei.</p></dc:description> <dc:description xml:lang='ru'><p>Основным признаком современной мировой экономики стали глубокие структурные сдвиги. В данном исследовании рассматриваются параметры и причины структурных изменений в экономике Украины, а также связь структурных изменений с производительностью труда и экономическим ростом. Проведенное исследование показало, что ключевые особенности модели структурных изменений, происходивших в экономике Украины после мирового финансового кризиса, заключались в ускоренном уменьшении веса индустриального сектора, его технологическом упрощении и сужении многообразия видов производств. Указанное сопровождалось усилением доминирования третичного сектора и ростом первичного. Такая траектория структурных сдвигов не способна генерировать необходимое ускорение экономического роста. Сравнение параметров и тенденций структурных сдвигов в экономике Украины и в сопоставимой группе стран и мире в целом показало, что изменения в структуре национальной экономики были более интенсивными, однако не привели к созданию достаточного потенциала для устойчивого экономического роста. Проанализированы разрывы в производительности труда между видами экономической деятельности и секторами экономики, а также их изменения в динамике, что дало основания для выводов о соотношении темпов технологического развития секторов экономики и о постепенном замедлении технологического развития национальной индустрии. С использованием аппарата эконометрического моделирования оценены параметры зависимости динамики роста ВВП от изменения индексов ВДС секторов экономики.</p></dc:description> <dc:identifier>10.36004/</dc:identifier> <dc:source>Economy and Sociology (2) 58-69</dc:source> <dc:subject>structural changes</dc:subject> <dc:subject>index of structural changes</dc:subject> <dc:subject>labor productivity</dc:subject> <dc:subject>economic growth</dc:subject> <dc:subject>industrial sector</dc:subject> <dc:subject>technological development</dc:subject> <dc:subject>schimbări structurale</dc:subject> <dc:subject>indicele schimbărilor structurale</dc:subject> <dc:subject>productivitatea muncii</dc:subject> <dc:subject>creştere economică</dc:subject> <dc:subject>sector industrial</dc:subject> <dc:subject>dezvoltare tehnologică</dc:subject> <dc:subject>структурные сдвиги</dc:subject> <dc:subject>индекс структурных изменений</dc:subject> <dc:subject>производительность труда</dc:subject> <dc:subject>экономический рост</dc:subject> <dc:subject>индустриальный сектор</dc:subject> <dc:subject>технологическое развитие</dc:subject> <dc:title>Structural change and economic growth in Ukraine</dc:title> <dc:type>info:eu-repo/semantics/article</dc:type> </oai_dc:dc>