"Dance rhymes" as a pedagogical method for fostering body skills and knowledge of cultural tradition in early childhood dance education in Israel
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37.09 (578)
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SM ISO690:2012
ZICHRONY, Sari-Katz. "Dance rhymes" as a pedagogical method for fostering body skills and knowledge of cultural tradition in early childhood dance education in Israel. In: Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului: superior la cerinţele pieţii muncii, Ed. 3, 26-27 octombrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2018, Ediția 3, pp. 182-187. ISBN 978-9975-56-604-9.
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Dublin Core
Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului
Ediția 3, 2018
Conferința "Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului superior la cerinţele pieţii muncii"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 26-27 octombrie 2018

"Dance rhymes" as a pedagogical method for fostering body skills and knowledge of cultural tradition in early childhood dance education in Israel

CZU: 37.09

Pag. 182-187

Zichrony Sari-Katz
„Orot Israel” College of Education, Elkana
Disponibil în IBN: 7 iulie 2021


Teaching dance in early childhood education in the National-Religious community is a relatively new phenomenon in Israeli society. This article describes one teaching practice "Dance Rhymes". The research is based on ethnographic observation of dance classes in schools. Through analysis of the rhyming method, this article illustrates how traditional dance teachers have formed a unique method of "dance rhyming" that is used to foster body skills and bridge the divide between Jewish tradition and dance.

Dance education, early-childhood, tradition, rhyming, rhythm, pedagogical practice

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Teaching dance in early childhood education in the National-Religious community is a relatively new phenomenon in Israeli society. This article describes one teaching practice &quot;Dance Rhymes&quot;. The research is based on ethnographic observation of dance classes in schools. Through analysis of the rhyming method, this article illustrates how traditional dance teachers have formed a unique method of &quot;dance rhyming&quot; that is used to foster body skills and bridge the divide between Jewish tradition and dance.</p></description>