Evaluarea calităţii învăţământului superior
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2024-05-27 14:14
SM ISO690:2012
CHIRIAC, Natalia. Evaluarea calităţii învăţământului superior. In: Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice, 3-4 mai 2012, Cahul. Cahul: Tipografia "Centrografic" SRL, 2012, Volumul I, pp. 187-196. ISBN 978-9975-914-76-5.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice
Volumul I, 2012
Conferința "Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice"
Cahul, Moldova, 3-4 mai 2012

Evaluarea calităţii învăţământului superior

Pag. 187-196

Chiriac Natalia
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 24 martie 2021


Development of systemic methodology of education quality assessment in academic institutions is based on components and basic functions of quality assessment. The decisive factor in the specification of methodological quality assessment is to respect the evaluation requirements, which are objectiveness, fairness, usefulness. An institution of higher education can be competitive if they always evaluate and develop evaluation methodology, which reflect the objectives, student's and teacher's activity, content, forms, methods, conditions and training results. Evaluation should be done on the evidence of systemic interaction of teacher and student.

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<cfVol>Volumul I</cfVol>
<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Evaluarea calităţii &icirc;nvăţăm&acirc;ntului superior</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>Development of systemic methodology of education quality assessment in academic institutions is based on components and basic functions of quality assessment. The decisive factor in the specification of methodological quality assessment is to respect the evaluation requirements, which are objectiveness, fairness, usefulness. An institution of higher education can be competitive if they always evaluate and develop evaluation methodology, which reflect the objectives, student&#39;s and teacher&#39;s activity, content, forms, methods, conditions and training results. Evaluation should be done on the evidence of systemic interaction of teacher and student.</p></cfAbstr>