Действие биорегуляторов из Verbascum densiflorum на морфо-физиологические характеристики капусты белокочанной
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635.342:631.811.98 (1)
Garden plants. Gardening (712)
Fertilizers, manures and soil enrichment. Promotion of growth. Plant stimulants (393)
SM ISO690:2012
ИВАНОВА, Раиса, БОРОВСКАЯ, Ала, МАЩЕНКО, Наталия, ШПАК, Л.. Действие биорегуляторов из Verbascum densiflorum на морфо-физиологические характеристики капусты белокочанной. In: Вклад агрофизики в решение фундаментальных задач сельскохозяйственной науки, 1-2 octombrie 2020, Санкт-Петербург. Санкт-Петербург, Россия: ФГБНУ «Агрофизический научно-исследовательский институт», 2020, pp. 125-131. ISBN 978-5-905200-43-4.
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Вклад агрофизики в решение фундаментальных задач сельскохозяйственной науки 2020
Conferința "Вклад агрофизики в решение фундаментальных задач сельскохозяйственной науки"
Санкт-Петербург, Rusia, 1-2 octombrie 2020

Действие биорегуляторов из Verbascum densiflorum на морфо-физиологические характеристики капусты белокочанной

The effect of bioregulators from verbascum densiflorum on the morpho-physiological characteristics of white cabbage

CZU: 635.342:631.811.98

Pag. 125-131

Иванова Раиса1, Боровская Ала1, Мащенко Наталия1, Шпак Л.2
1 Институт генетики, физиологии и защиты растений,
2 Приднестровский Государственный Университет им. Т.Г.Шевченко
Disponibil în IBN: 24 decembrie 2020


Изучено влияние биорегуляторов растительного происхождения на всхожесть, рост, развитие и урожайность капусты белокочанной. Показано, что применение суммы биологически активных соединений из Verbascum densiflorum Bertol. для предпосевного замачивания семян способствует получению дополнительно 14,5 т/га стандартных кочанов капусты, что позволяет рекомендовать данный метод в качестве элемента технологии выращивания капусты.

The phenomenon of drought and the changeable weather patterns constitute a negative aspect of the climate in the Republic of Moldova, which forces the introduction of new techniques to increase the sustainability of crops. One of them is the use of biologically active growth substances, which contribute to stimulating seed germination, improve rooting of seedlings, regulate fruit formation and accelerate fruit ripening, increase drought tolerance and resistance to diseases of plants, as a result, leads to an increase in productivity. The effect of biologically active substances of plant origin on the germination, growth, development and productivity of white cabbage was studied. The pre-sowing soaking of seed with the sum of iridoid and phenolic compounds (verbascosides), obtained by exhaustive extraction of the aerial part of Verbascum densiflorum Bertol using aqueous-ethanol solutions followed by their purification by adsorption-distribution chromatography, created the most favorable conditions for growth and development of white cabbage. Evaluation of these compounds effect revealed their stimulating effect on the primary processes of seed metabolism, expressed in a significant increase in germination energy and total germination. The use of verbascosides for pre-sowing soaking of seeds accelerated the intensity of seedling development in the greenhouse. Seedling germination on the 5th day after sowing, in experimental plots exceeded control plot by 27.3%. The plants were distinguished by a stronger stem, bright coloring of leaf rosette and were more developed than control plants. Pre-sowing seed treatment stimulated the formation of seedling roots and improved survival after transplantation of seedlings in the field conditions. In addition, these bioregulators had a positive effect on the production process, contributing to an increase in the cabbage yield by 34.3% in comparison with the control. In the experimental plots, the heads of regular round shape with a bright green color, good resistance to cracking, high uniformity in shape and size, and with an excellent yield of marketable products prevailed. Their average weight exceeded the control plants by 1.2 kg, which led to an additional 14.5 tons of standard head cabbage per one hectare. The results of the studies allow us to recommend the pre-sowing seed treatment with 0.01% aqueous solution of biologically active substances from Verbascum densiflorum Bertol. as an element of technology for white cabbage cultivation.

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<meta name="citation_author" content="Иванова Раиса">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Боровская Ала">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Мащенко Наталия">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Шпак Л.">
<meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2020">
<meta name="citation_collection_title" content="Вклад агрофизики в решение фундаментальных задач сельскохозяйственной науки">
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