
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 1-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "invariant straight line"
Solution of the problem of the center for cubic differential systems with three affine invariant straight lines of total algebraic multiplicity four
Turuta (Poderioghin) Silvia
Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
Nr. 1(92) / 2020 / ISSN 1024-7696 /ISSNe 2587-4322
Disponibil online 5 September, 2020. Descarcări-8. Vizualizări-569
The problem of the center for cubic differential systems with the line at infinity and an affine real invariant straight line of total algebraic multiplicity five
Şubă Alexandru, Turuta (Poderioghin) Silvia
Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
Nr. 2(90) / 2019 / ISSN 1024-7696 /ISSNe 2587-4322
Disponibil online 3 January, 2020. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-799

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