
Afiliat la Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

2010 - 2

Method of parameters definition of the electrified milk cooling system without freon
Volconovici Liviu , Chiorsac Mihail , Volconovici Augustin , Turcuman Lilia
Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering
Editia 6-a, Vol. 2. 2010. Iași, România. Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași. 103-104.
Disponibil online 8 September, 2022
The mathematical model of accumulators with water and vacuum installations for cooling milk in the Republic of Moldova (RM)
Volconovici Liviu , Chiorsac Mihail , Volconovici Augustin , Turcuman Lilia
Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering
Editia 6-a, Vol. 2. 2010. Iași, România. Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași. 105-107.
Disponibil online 8 September, 2022

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