Lista publicaţiilor: Plugatar Yu. V. - 2

2018 - 1

Water relation features of Nerium oleander L. under progressive soil drought stress
Korsakova Svetlana, Plugatar Yu., Ilnitsky Oleg, Kleiman Emanuil I.
1 Nikitsky Botanical Garden,
2 Bio Instruments S.R.L
South of Russia: Ecology, Development
Nr. 1(13) / 2018 / ISSN 1992-1098
Disponibil online 3 September, 2018

2017 - 1

Prospects of introduction of Dasylirion wheeleri (Dasylirion wheelery s. Watson ex Rothrock) into landscaping of the southern coast of the Crimea
Maksymov Alexandr, Plugatar Yu., Koba Vladimir, Trikoz Natalya, Khromov Alexandr
Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 5. 2017. Chișinău. Gradina Botanica (Institut). 93-93.
Disponibil online 26 October, 2018

1-2 of 2