Bogdevici Oleg
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Publicaţii la conferinţe din RM - 2. Publicaţii peste hotare - 24.

2021 - 3

Environmental toxicants evaluation in a modern monitoring system - Romanian monitox network area
Teodorof Liliana12 , Burada Adrian1 , Despina Cristina1 , Seceleanu-Odor Daniela1 , Trifanov Cristian1 , Ene Antoaneta2 , Zubcov Elena23 , Spanos Thomas24 , Bogdevich Oleg25
1 Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development,
2 "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati,
3 Institute of Zoology,
4 International Hellenic University,
5 Institutul de Geologie şi Seismologie
Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate changededicated to the 75th anniversary from the creation of the first research subdivisions and 60th from the foundation of the Institute of Zoology
Ediția 10. 2021. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-157-82-7.
Disponibil online 17 September, 2021. Descarcări-8. Vizualizări-336
Evaluation of Potable Groundwater Quality Using Environmetrics. The case of Nestos and Strymon River Regions, Northern Greece
Spanos Thomas1 , Mittas Nikolaos1 , Xatzichristou Christina1 , Dermentzis Konstantinos I.1 , Topi Vilson1 , Spanou Despina Selina2 , Ene Antoaneta3 , Teodorof Liliana4 , Zubcov Elena5 , Bogdevich Oleg6
1 International Hellenic University,
2 University of Thessaly,
3 "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati,
4 Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development,
5 Institute of Zoology,
6 Institutul de Geologie şi Seismologie
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
Nr. 1(14) / 2021 / ISSN 1791-9320 / ISSNe 1791-2377
Disponibil online 5 May, 2021. Descarcări-12. Vizualizări-425
Monitox international network for monitoring of environmental toxicants and risk assessment in the Black Sea basin: research and interdisciplinary cooperation dimensions
Ene Antoaneta1 , Zubcov Elena12 , Spanos Thomas13 , Bogdevich Oleg14 , Teodorof Liliana15
1 "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati,
2 Institute of Zoology,
3 International Hellenic University,
4 Institutul de Geologie şi Seismologie,
5 Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate changededicated to the 75th anniversary from the creation of the first research subdivisions and 60th from the foundation of the Institute of Zoology
Ediția 10. 2021. Chișinău. ISBN 978-9975-157-82-7.
Disponibil online 17 September, 2021. Descarcări-19. Vizualizări-395
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