Quasigroups and Related Systems
Lista publicațiilor cu rezumate - 448, Perioada: 1994 - 2020, Descărcări - 1961, Vizualizări - 326217.

On structure of finite n-ary medial quasigroups and automorphism groups of these quasigroups
Shcherbacov Victor
Nr. 1(13) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-732
Orthogonal hypercubes and n-ary operarions
Belyavskaya Galina, Mullen Gary
Nr. 1(13) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 17 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-879
Quasigroups with an inverse property and generalized parastrophic identities
Keedwell Anthony Donald, Shcherbacov Victor
Nr. 1(13) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 15 December, 2013. Descarcări-10. Vizualizări-955
Remarks to the first publications of V. D. Belousov
Dudek Wieslaw, Shcherbacov Victor
Nr. 1(13) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 15 December, 2013. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-746
Extending sloops of cardinality 16 to SQS-skeins with all possible congruence lattices
Armanious Magdi, Elzayat Enas-M.
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 9 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-793
Necessary and suficient conditions for the continuity of a pre-Haar system at a unit with singleton orbit
Buneci Mădălina
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 10 December, 2013. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-686
Quotient hyper BCK-algebras
Saeid Arsham-Borumand, Zahedi Mohammad-Mehdi
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 16 December, 2013. Descarcări-7. Vizualizări-792
Spurious multiplicative group of GF(pm): a new tool for cryptography
Koscielny Czestaw
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-759
The structure of extra loops
Kinyon Michael, Kunen Kenneth
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-708
(Weak) Implicative hyper BCK-ideals
Borzooei Rajab Ali, Bakhshi Mahmood
Nr. 1(12) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 9 December, 2013. Descarcări-2. Vizualizări-877
AES with the increased condentiality
Koscielny Czestaw
Nr. 2(14) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 16 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-755
Factorization of simple groups involving the alternating group
Darafsheh Mohammad
Nr. 2(14) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 8 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-690
Fuzzy isomorphism and quotient of fuzzy subpolygroups
Ameri Reza, Hedayati Hossein
Nr. 2(14) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 17 December, 2013. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-667
Maple implementation of the ElGamal public key encryption scheme working in SMG(pm)
Koscielny Czestaw
Nr. 2(14) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-688
On graded weakly primary ideals
Atani Shahabaddin Ebrahimi
Nr. 2(14) / 2005 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-5. Vizualizări-619
Abel-Grassmann’s bands
Protic Petar, Stevanovic Nebojsa
Nr. 1(11) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 16 December, 2013. Descarcări-7. Vizualizări-523
A note on Salem numbers and Golden mean
Mushtaq Qaiser, Arshad Mahmood
Nr. 1(11) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-892
Characterization of division μ-LA-semigroups
Mushtaq Qaiser, Khalid Mahmood
Nr. 1(11) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 9 December, 2013. Descarcări-5. Vizualizări-758
Extensions of Latin subsquares and local embeddability of groups and group algebras
Ziman Milos
Nr. 1(11) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-529
Fuzzy congruences on groups
Kondo Michiro
Nr. 1(11) / 2004 / ISSN 1561-2848
Disponibil online 14 December, 2013. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-527
1 - 448 of 448