
Lista articolelor cu rezumate în limba romana


Challenges of marketing activities for the development of ecological poultry

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 12-6. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Youth and sustainable consumption: understanding awareness and adoption trends

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 50-39. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The evolution of diaspora indigenous theoretical approaches from the perspective of the economic development of the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 58-51. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Organizational resilience in conditions of uncertainty

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 64-59. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Regulation of humanitarian assistance in the context of armed conflicts: an economic perspective

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 71-65. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social representation of academic underachievement among primary school students: a teachers’ perspective

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 82-72. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Dynamics of the development of emotional hearing through play in preschoolers with hearing disabilities

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 100-95. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The training of social competence in aggressive preadolescents

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 112-101. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The inclusion of LGBTQIA+ university students on campus: some practical aspects

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 118-113. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The experimental program "developing social intelligence in primary school students"

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 3-4, 126-119. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social infrastructure - an important factor of regional development

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 11-5. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The educational management for equal opportunities and fostering excellence in school: a best practice case study

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 18-12. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of leadership in transforming the business model

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 31-24. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Performance orientation and job satisfaction of employees from the X, Y, Z generation

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 51-32. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The problems of community cohesion in the perception of young people

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 64-52. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The meaning and values of life during the transition stage of youth from studies to work

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 72-65. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Psycho-social congruences between resilience and solitude

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 91-73. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of media sources in the formation of opinions regarding the anti-COVID-19 vaccination

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 2, 107-92. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The new technologies and labor market in Romania

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 36-22. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Relationship between emotional instability and risk of alcohol abuse among adolescents: the moderating role of predisposition to engage in risky behaviors

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 59-43. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social pedagogy and preventive work in the community

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 64-60. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Values of moldovans high school students from Italy and the Republic of Moldova: a cross-cultural aspect

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 73-65. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Reducing eating disorders through experiential psychotherapy: a case study of anorexia nervosa

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 84-74. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Modelator factors of relation between emotional intelligence and personality at adolescents

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 96-85. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Dimensions of relationship on the background of migration. The case of moldovan adolescents rooted in Italy

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 104-97. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Desuggestopedia, the technique to overcome the linguistic barriers

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 112-105. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Psycho-pedagogical counseling, an important factor in increase in the school performance of students with SEN

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 138-128. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Psycho-emotional peculiarities of workers from legal field

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 144-139. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Anxiety and educational style of mothers of handicapped children

. EcoSoEn. 2023, nr. 1, 150-145. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Priorities for reforming the WTO

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 13-6. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social vouchers – tool for supporting disadvantaged people

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 18-14. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Techniques and actions to promote domestic agri-food products on foreign markets

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 32-26. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Israeli environmental policy as role in reducing gases pollutants in parallel with improving economic performance

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 40-33. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Conceptual features of the green economy and the perspective of consumers in the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 51-41. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Analyzing the system of factors influencing buying and consumption behavior and consumer behavior

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 56-52. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Problems and prospects for the strategic development of the world energy system

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 72-64. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The socio-economic profile of the municipality of Constanta and the organization of the crisis situation monitoring system at its

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 82-73. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Evaluation of education in the contemporary world from a perspective of holistic approach

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 104-92. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The influence of cultural belonging on social distances in native and international students from the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 121-105. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The feeling of self-efficiency in adolescents: determinant factors

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 131-122. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The development of social competences within university education

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 142-132. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The impact of sociodemographic factors on the self-confidence of modern students

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 148-143. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Change of social status of contemporary women from the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 162-156. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Nonverbal competence in researching the communicative and organizational skills of teachers

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 171-163. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The importance of managing the psychosocial potential of human resources for employee job satisfaction

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 184-172. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Behaviors associated with mobbing in adolescent relationships

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 3-4, 191-185. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Specialized audit: a method of improving transport and logistics systems

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 14-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Methodology of organization and performance of fiscal inspection in Romania

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 23-15. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Retail sector in the Republic of Moldova as a study framework

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 32-24. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The significance of the service sector of culture and art in the society during the crisis

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 37-33. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Leadership - a genuine change resource in an organizational environment marked by uncertainty

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 53-46. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Taxpayers 'rights and obligations under tax controls and sanctioning mechanisms on the prevention of control actions

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 67-60. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Labor market facing higher education surplus, trends and solutions (the case study of Israel)

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 81-74. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Accounting of receivables regarding budget settlements

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 87-82. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Mass media response to pandemic crisis challenges

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 96-88. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The use of the cognitive-behavioral therapy model in the psychological assistance of emotional disorders in adolescents. Case study

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 107-97. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Personal and professional experiences related to Sars-Cov-2 infection and attitudes to vaccination against COVID-19: the case of medical workers in the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 133-108. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Psychoemotional states under pandemics

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 142-134. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social skills among teachers working in primary education: an exploratory study

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 154-143. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Models of resilience of the family of children with disabilities

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 171-155. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The influence of social skills on the subjective perception of quality of life

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 179-172. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Impact of social reintegration activities on the detainee's behavior according to age, length of detention and recidivism

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 187-180. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social representation of military profession and military actions

. EcoSoEn. 2022, nr. 1-2, 195-188. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Reflections on the need to implement the combined measures in the strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova on sustainable principles in the context of distinct challenges

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 13-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social protection in the field of employment of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 36-29. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Summary of legislative amendments with effect since january 1st, 2021

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 43-37. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Profit, du pont model and performance analysis - essences and manifestations

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 50-44. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Economic reflection of the ethical code of internal audit in the function of the managerial assistance

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 69-62. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Correlation of financial flows between the segments of the international financial market and the national economy

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 84-75. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Trends in reducing cash payments/collections in the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 96-92. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

New strategic approaches in sports management. Case study - applying fibonacci's formula in football tactics (resume)

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 102-97. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Digitalization, technologies and innovations in the field of insurance

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 108-103. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Modern concepts in the management of human potential

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 112-109. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Strategies and concepts of knowledge management and talent management in banking institutions

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 117-113. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Successful school leadership – practice and insights from a twelve year endeavor at a challenging school in a backward urban area

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 129-118. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The importance of multicultural education in school

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 164-138. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Perception of pandemic covid-19 challenges by people of different age

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 174-165. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Digital development in Republic of Moldova. country profile with statistical data

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 201-194. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The synergy of ways (units) and methods of organization on milieu of unitary integrated informatics system informative data

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 3-4, 211-202. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Conceptual reflections on the moral, ethical and conduct aspects in the professional activity of accountants and auditors

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 16-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Management of scientific research and its content

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 22-17. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Concepte privind tratamentul riscurilor semnificative în cadrul instituțiilor bancare

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 38-23. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Repere ale alinieri politicii sociale a româniei la standardele Uniunii Europene

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 49-39. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Modern trends in the development of international education in the knowledge economy

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 56-50. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Economic and social benefits of public sector marketing

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 63-57. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Team management and its role in increasing the performance of the organization in the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 76-72. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Studying the consumer’s behavior in the buying decision process

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 81-77. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The impact of informatization on the economy

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 93-87. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Using the revolution 4.0 for life on earth

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 100-94. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

European labor market in crisis conditions

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 104-101. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Revolution 4.0, IoT smart products, digitization, 5 and 6G networks as economic promoters

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 113-105. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

5G in service of the economy

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 128-122. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The need for 5G implementation and economic competitiveness

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 134-129. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The vector of the development of the education 4.0 project

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 141-135. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Using marketing tools for improving the efficiency of public administration activities

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 146-142. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Economic diplomacy in the European Union: a new level of economic cooperation

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 156-147. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Psychological aspects of war at Donbas: evaluations and attitudes, search for culprits, possibilities of mutual understanding

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 183-171. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Education and socio-cultural context in the spread of Covid-19 virus

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 207-184. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The cognitive model of anxiety. Case conceptualization

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 213-208. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The report of physical self and femininess sexuality

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 225-214. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Comparative analysis of health systems during the pandemic in several European Countries

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 255-234. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The structure of social representation of beauty

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 261-256. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Legal-psychological aspects of ensuring anti-terrorist operations

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 278-274. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Conceptual informatics environment of the analysis of human resources and work remuneration issues

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 295-279. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The management of the judicial information system in the Republic of Moldova. Implementation of the technical concept

. EcoSoEn. 2021, nr. 1-2, 302-295. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Aspects of the quality of hotel services in Chisinau municipality

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 20-8. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The impact of ergonomics on hotel staff loyalty

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 29-21. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of accounting in the information system

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 35-30. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of the European Parliament in ensuring the energy security of the European Union in conditions of vulnerability and economic instability

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 42-36. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Information society and knowledge society

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 47-43. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

European industrial-economic strategy

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 52-48. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Promoting world economic competitiveness in information society

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 57-53. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Research of the behavior of the consumer about electric cars

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 71-58. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Content of intellectual property rights

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 78-72. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Using knowledge management as a pillar of competitive strategy

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 84-79. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Tourism in the pandemic post-crisis period

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 90-85. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

A diachronic analysis of monetary units in Great Britain, Russia and the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 96-91. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

International scientific collaboration of Israeli higher education institutions

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 100-97. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Facilitation of communication in economic entities and public administration by using IT means

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 114-107. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Self-regulatory dimensions of academic motivation among university students attending the program pedagogy of primary and pre-school education

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 138-125. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Research methodology and methods in contemporary positive psychology

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 148-139. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The psycho-pedagogical approach in the activity of forming patriotic conciousness in today's young people

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 154-149. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Socio-cultural potential of contemporary youth: a psychological approach

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 180-171. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Choosing career in modern world

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 194-190. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The importance of facilitating access to education among teenagers with SEN

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 211-203. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The strategy challenge in training nursing profession (the american case)

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 217-212. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Identifying the main issues and factors leading to the social exclusion of inactive elderly people in the Republic of Moldova: summary of survey results

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 227-218. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Personal development of middle school teachers (based on the model of "Nicolae Caranda" gymnasium school, Glogova, Gorj): the intervention program

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 233-228. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Development of social competences in university education

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 246-234. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Development of social intelligence in young school children: concept and measurement

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 251-247. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Stigma, a basic concept in social psychology

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 255-252. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Israel and sustainable development

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 3-4, 106-101. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Education management - the basis of the country’s competitiveness

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 13-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Modern methodology for the analysis of international economic relations: ethno-cultural features

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 20-14. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of the customs service in ensuring the economic security of the state

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 37-32. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The specifics of informational and algorithmic content of the rate-setting and settlement subsystem of the economic material activities

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 54-46. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The challenges of cultural tourism of the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 69-55. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Virtual enterprises as systems

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 76-70. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Management of educational organization as an organizational system

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 87-77. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

EU-Turkey natural gas unity: opportunities and constraints for Turkey to become a gas hub

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 97-88. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Problems in the development of the organizational mechanism of the municipal management system in Romania

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 109-98. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Municipal socio-economic systems in conditions of crisis and organizational stress

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 119-110. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The relation between higher education and economic growth (the case study of Israel and the Republic of Moldova)

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 133-126. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Municipal management in Romania in the conditions of globalization

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 144-134. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The opportunities of Moldovan banking system to apply the European Union experience

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 149-145. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Equality politics in the education system: the arab and bedouin sectors of Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 154-150. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Emotional intelligence as factor of achievement tendency

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 186-173. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Assessment of personal activity self-organization in the institutions of higher education

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 197-187. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Predictors of school satisfaction among romanian adolescents

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 222-207. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Social representation of forensic psychological expertize

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 228-223. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The influence of the parental model on the couple relationship

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 258-248. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The psycho-social nature and the essence of patriotic consciousness

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 263-259. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The role of psychological wellbeing in the prophylaxis of burnout

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 276-264. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

The influence of parents' hyper-protection on the adaptation to small schoolchildren

. EcoSoEn. 2020, nr. 1-2, 286-277. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. B)

Global economic problem: economic development versus ecological crisis

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 18-6. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Tourism development in the mediterranean area

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 25-19. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Electronic services and online reports: guarantees of optimization of accounting evidence

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 61-54. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

General considerations concerning the evolution of legislative framework and way of organizing the social insurance system in Romania

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 82-74. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Théorie et pratique du développement de l’assurance sur internet

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 90-83. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Arab minority and jews majority in the Israeli education system

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 95-91. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The expansion of the knowledge economy on the local society

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 107-102. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Are Romanian adolescents still motivated to engage in school? Some evidence and practical considerations

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 116-108. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The importance of the locus of control in the social adaptation of international students

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 129-117. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The psychological influence of aesthetic defects and dermatological diseases: research review

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 137-130. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Education for mass-media in the context of new educations

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 146-138. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Reducing the risk of abandonment of children by improving the mother's parental skills

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 154-147. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The impact of hybridization of education on professional qualities of a contemporary teacher

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 166-155. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Nonverbal communication as a basic condition of impression management

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 186-167. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Socio-psychological determinants of formation the patriotical consciousness

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 191-187. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Specificity of comunication and importance of the development of verbal communication capabilities in preschoolers

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 199-192. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Family perception of student’s failure in school

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 213-200. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Ethnic identity in immigrant adolescents: continuity vs. discontinuity

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 220-214. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The evolution аnd role of the fаmily in contemporаry society

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 233-226. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The dynamics of poverty and its consequences on regional inequalities in Romania

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 241-234. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Policy making on equality and integration in special education in Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 248-242. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Mobile situational center for prevention and reduction of emergency situations

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 261-249. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Information interconnection – the contributing factor to complete informatics achievement of the integrated information system

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 3-4, 268-263. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Optimization rates for the efficiency of rural and agricultural tourism

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 15-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Analysis and evaluation of efficiency indicators of the fiscal system of the Republic of Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 22-16. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Fiscal accounting management developments  at the level of the factory

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 39-32. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Time management – the performance enhancing tool for managers

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 54-49. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Comparative analysis of education systems of different countries

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 62-55. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Reflecting financial resources using risk management in the budgeting process

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 72-63. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Equal opportunities in the educational sphere of Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 79-73. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Inequality between Bedouin and other ethnic sectors in Israeli education

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 86-80. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Typology of agritourism

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 95-87. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Principles of training of the anti-crisis management model of small and medium-sized enterprises

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 102-96. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The importance of risk management for managers

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 108-103. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The approach to the concept of happiness in the student’s environment

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 117-109. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The influence of military leader's emotional competences on collective moral-psychological atmosphere

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 126-118. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Validation of social anxiety scale for adolescence: normativ data and other evidence of construction validity

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 133-127. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Critical factors for successful higher education systems

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 138-134. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Competitive strategy in educatioanl services

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 155-151. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

International educational services and their role in health promotion under globalization conditions

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 162-156. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Toybox as a health promotion tool in the world and in orthodox sector in Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 170-163. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Communication in classes: case study on special education in Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 179-171. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Criteria for determining disability and limiting its social impact

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 184-180. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The emergence of the personality and development of social capacities in adolescence

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 191-185. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Increasing soil fertility and reducing drought effects by applying conservative agriculture

. EcoSoEn. 2019, nr. 1-2, 198-192. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Conţinutul şi sursele managementului calităţii în gestiunea municipală

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 11-7. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Influența factorilor de eficiență a politicilor publice și a fondurilor structurale în facilitarea dezvoltării turismului

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 15-12. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Inovarea şi cercetarea – factori cheie în sporirea competitivităţii produselor pe piaţa internaţională

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 25-16. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Findings on the method of accounting the costs of purchased materials

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 29-26. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Tentative de depașire a problemei globale – alimentația

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 54-47. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Determinarea capacităţilor optime a fabricilor de procesare a materiei prime agricole amplasate în spaţiul rural

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 60-55. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Inequality between majority and minority sectors in Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 71-61. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Controlul ca mijloc de creștere a eficacității învățămîntului în sistemul educațional

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 76-72. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Necesitățile energetice și impactul ecologic     

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 93-87. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Rolul autoeficienței în afirmarea motivației de realizare a tinerilor din mediul universitar

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 113-105. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Abordarea experimentală a rolului comunicării nonverbale în realizarea funcțiilor comunicative organizaționale

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 122-114. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Inequality in the higher education and labor market of Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 132-128. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Efectele vulnerabilității socio-economice și a serviciilor psihosociale asupra reunificării familiei: o analiză longitudinală pe mai multe niveluri

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 139-133. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Breaking the conspiracy of silence among victims of sexual harassment

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 146-140. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Complete equality between female educators and male educators in environment dominated by male mentality

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 151-147. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The violence against teenagers and young people in the contemporary society

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 169-162. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Strategia motivării resurselor umane în managementul unității

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 174-170. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Studiul proprietăților toxice ale aminelor biogene

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 182-175. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Managementul proiectări unei ferme ecologice

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 4, 187-183. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Esența economico-managerială strategiilor operaționale în cadrul întreprinderii industriale

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 18-11. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Contabilitatea activelor biologice imobilizate

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 42-34. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Motivarea eficientă a personalului medical

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 47-43. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Politica de coeziune in Uuniunea Europeană

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 53-48. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Foreign investments and their effects on the romanian economy

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 65-54. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Particularităţile de realizare a funcțiilor manageriale în organizaţiile virtuale

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 97-93. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Aspecte privind tratamentul contabil al stocurilor în practica mondială

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 102-98. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Brandingul de țară: aspecte teoretice si practice

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 107-103. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Comunitatea Druze în Israel - dezvoltare economică și educațională între trecut și prezent

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 133-126. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Impactul auditului evenimentelor ulterioare asupra situațiilor financiare

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 139-134. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Model managerial anticriză în dezvoltarea durabilă a întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 147-140. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Eficientizarea utilizării resurselor intelectuale în Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 178-173. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Promovarea şi finanţarea proiectelor de investiţii din fonduri externe nerambursabile

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 187-179. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Metode de argumentare a deciziilor în managementul corporativ

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 217-210. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Valoarea profesiei – condiție a satisfacției profesionale a lucratorilor medicali

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 228-218. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Unele aspecte privind reglementarea legislativă a eticii în profesia contabilă

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 241-237. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Gestionarea pedagogică a conflictelor într-o instituție de învățămînt

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 245-242. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Nivelul culturii organizaționale – una din condițiile a stării de satisfacție profesională a cadrelor universitare

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 251-246. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Softuri educaționale

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 269-260. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Previziunea tehnologică în rezolvarea problemelor moderne și obținerea unui viitor mai bun

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 3, 274-270. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Brexit consequences for United Kingdom’s trade

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 22-15. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Organizația în condițiile stresului organizatoric

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 34-23. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Theoretical and applied aspects regarding the accounting of fixed assets

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 41-35. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Cu privire la esența și clasificarea capitalului

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 47-42. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Facilitățile fiscale ca instrument de stumulare a investițiilor

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 53-48. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Evaluation activity and particularly its regulation in the Republic of Belarus

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 57-54. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Методы подготовки будущих менеджеров

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 64-58. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Clusterul ca factor de competitivitate în turismul rural

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 73-65. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Современная банковская система и ее проблемы

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 80-74. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Modern perspectives of financial management accounting approach in the current economy

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 86-81. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Efficiency analysis of banking system of the Republic of Moldova based on general indicators

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 103-93. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Gestiunea echipei manageriale în condiții de criză în întreprinderile din Republica Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 108-104. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Particularităţile de realizare a structurilor manageriale în organizaţiile virtuale

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 113-109. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

SPA-оздоровительный туризм - престижное и перспективное направление в современной индустрии здоровья

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 120-114. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Different leadership styles in different economics sectors – education, banking and isdustry: Israel example

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 127-121. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

National Bank of Moldova's involvement in the stabilization of the domestic banking system

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 143-135. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Le rôle des jeux de simulations dans les méthodes d'enseignement interactives

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 148-144. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Evoluția dezvoltării conceptului de informatizare în managementul bancar

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 154-149. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Utilizarea optima a materiei prime agricole: aspect metodologic

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 160-155. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The role of the decision centers within the company’s structure

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 164-161. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Современные технологии и методы обучения в рамках процесса интернационализации высшего образования

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 169-165. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Some economic methods and forms of internal crisis management of banking institutions

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 174-170. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

The banking risks: economic maintenance, classification and their impact on the management of commercial banks

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 179-175. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Abordare conceptuală și măsurarea inteligenței în psihologie

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 191-180. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

To enhance intelligence – reality or wishful thinking?

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 204-192. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Politica migraţionistă a Uniunii Europene în contextul globalizării

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 210-205. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Inteligența socială: conceptualizare și măsurare

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 217-211. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Leadership as an art of management

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 222-218. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Over-qualification at the higher education labor market of Israel

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 227-223. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Metode si tehnici in evaluarea inteligentei. Mangementul inteligentei

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 235-228. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Decentralization and education - rationale, implementation in different countries

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 241-236. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Queueing models of polling type and their applications

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 248-242. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Apa dură: cauze și efecte. Dedurizarea și utilizarea deșeurilor

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 278-274. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )

Un semnal de alarma privind starea dezastruoasă a râurilor mici din Republica Moldova

. EcoSoEn. 2018, nr. 1-2, 285-279. ISSN 2587-344X ISSNe 2587-425X. (Cat. )