
Caranfil Narcisa Gianina

Teze / Rezumate în culegeri - 2, Descărcări - 19, Vizualizări - 1175
ISO 690-2012

2022 - 1

The motivating instructional context inventory – 12: testing psychometric properties in a sample of Romanian adolescents
Robu Viorel , Caranfil Narcisa Gianina , Buganu Diana-Alina
The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences
Ediția 13. 2022. Chişinău. "Print-Caro" SRL. 33-34.
Disponibil online 6 March, 2023. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-229

2019 - 1

Measuring adolescents’ attitude toward school: psychometric properties of the romanian version of the school attitude assessment survey-revised
Rusnac Svetlana , Caranfil Narcisa Gianina , Robu Viorel
The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences
Ediția 10. 2019. Chişinău. "Print-Caro" SRL. 45-46.
Disponibil online 13 February, 2020. Descarcări-18. Vizualizări-946
1 - 2 of 2