
Coşcodan Mihai

Teze / Rezumate în culegeri - 6, Descărcări - 15, Vizualizări - 2443
ISO 690-2012

2022 - 3

Means of enhancing the role of biological nitrogen in phytotechny
Coscodan Michael , Todiraş Vasile , Prisacari Svetlana , Lungu Argentin
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Moldova State University. 87-87.
Disponibil online 15 November, 2022. Descarcări-2. Vizualizări-221
The use of microbial biopreparations in modern biotechnologies
Coscodan Michael
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Moldova State University. 88-88.
Disponibil online 16 November, 2022. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-295
Biodeteriation of plastic materials by phytoremediating microorganisms
Coscodan Michael
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Moldova State University. 89-89.
Disponibil online 16 November, 2022. Descarcări-4. Vizualizări-325

2021 - 1

Biodegradation of plastic materials in the presence of phytoremediating microorganisms
Coscodan Michael
Intelligent Valorisation of Agro-Food Industrial Wastes
2021. Chişinău. Tipografie „MS Logo” SRL. 15-15.
Disponibil online 13 October, 2021. Descarcări-4. Vizualizări-308

2019 - 2

Study of fitostimulator microorganisms under the aspect of increasing the fertility of the soil
Coscodan Michael
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2019. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Tipogr. "Biotehdesign". 27-28.
Disponibil online 8 December, 2019. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-625
Usage of rhizospheremicroorganisms diversity for agricultural development and environment protection
Coscodan Michael
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2019. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Tipogr. "Biotehdesign". 29-29.
Disponibil online 8 December, 2019. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-669
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